The school held an exchange meeting on the results of thematic education research

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2023-07-17

homenetParty Committee organization Department correspondent Liu Lili)717On the same day, the College held an exchange meeting on the results of thematic education research, focused on exchanging the research situation, deeply analyzed the positive and negative typical cases, and made deployment requirements for the next stage of thematic education work。Li Fangze, secretary of the Party Committee of the College, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech, and all members of the theme education leading group and heads of relevant departments attended the meeting。

At the meeting, Li Fangze, Zhang Zhiqing, Yang Linguo3位院领导先后围绕“全面落实习近平总书记关于职业教育指示批示精神,Promote the fundamental task of moral cultivation and human development to go deep and solid "" Deepen the reform of the construction of teachers in the new era,Promoting the construction of high-quality teachers "and" Building a team of high-quality cadres "research theme,Communicate the problems found in the research,In-depth analysis of the root causes of the problem,Put forward the next work ideas and measures;School of Arts and Creativity, School of Public Administration, Department of Finance, Department of Security, etc4Department heads to carry out exchanges around self-selected research topics;Li Ruiyong, Minister of the Organization Department, carried out exchanges around typical cases;The participants also studied and discussed the list of application of research results。

In his concluding speech, Li Fangze pointed out that the school's research topics were selected accurately, the problems were understood thoroughly, the reasons were dug deep, the measures were set firmly, the positive and negative cases complemented each other, the analysis was more profound, and the theme education investigation, research and review of the rectification work had achieved real results。

For the next step of theme education, Li Fangze put forward four requirements: First, we must continue to do a good job in theoretical learning to ensure that the summer learning line。要将《欧洲杯投注赔率》纳入必读书目,突出抓好“六学”,及时跟进学习习近平总书记重要讲话重要指示批示精神,Combined with the training of national and provincial training, middle-level cadres, director of the teaching and research office, and teachers of ideological and political courses, the theoretical learning effect is continuously strengthened。Second, we must do a good job of problem rectification and ensure that the problem rectification is bottom and zero。The responsible department for the rectification of the problem should reverse the time and period, keep an eye on the rectification progress, adhere to dynamic management, account cancellation, sum up experience and lessons, and consolidate and expand the rectification effect。Third, we must do a solid job of teachers and students to ensure that the "voice of the people echo" mechanism is implemented。To establish a list of livelihood projects, special research to solve the problems of teachers and students, strengthen system construction, improve the handling mechanism, and form a good brand for teachers and students to do practical things。Fourth, we must consolidate responsibility and take overall consideration to ensure the effectiveness of thematic education。It is necessary to resolutely shoulder the political responsibility, in accordance with the summer work deployment reminder, to carry out thematic education and implement the key tasks such as the creation of vocational education undergraduate, the introduction of high-level talents, enrollment and employment, all kinds of training, and the success of field competitions, so as to test the effectiveness of thematic education work with real work performance。

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