General Party Branch of College of Information Engineering: A new chapter on the leadership of party building and development 踔厉

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2022-05-10Number of views:95

The General Party Branch of the College of Information Engineering adheres to the guidance of party building work,Take talent training as the main line,Career development as the goal,Professional construction, training room construction, education and teaching reform, teacher team construction, student management, school-enterprise cooperation, skills competition and other work as the starting point,Consolidate the foundation of Party building,Stimulate the vitality of party building,Party building and cause development resonate with the same frequency,Help the university vocational education undergraduate construction。

We will strengthen ideological and political education and consolidate the ideological foundation for our work

坚持深入学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想、十九大十九届历次全会精神,深入学习习近平总书记"July 1" important speech spiritAnd an important directive to the spirit of vocational educationEducate teachers and students with socialist core values, infect them with rich, vivid and positive campus culture, and form a new pattern of three-dimensional and multi-dimensional ideological and political work通过Study and implement the school's meeting spirit and work deployment requirementsUnify thinking and improve understanding

Enrich activities形势Improve the quality of party members

General Party Branch of the collegeSuccessively carried out"Do not forget the original heart, keep in mind the mission", "Party history education", "teacher ethics education" and other thematic learning and education activities,Organize all party members to visit and study in Lide Shuren Hall of the school twice;Go deep into Qianxin network security science education exhibition hall,Conduct cyber security awareness raising training,Enhance the awareness of network security of Party members;The student Party branch has been to the Dashushan Martyrs Cemetery, the Memorial Hall of the River Crossing Campaign and other patriotic education bases to carry out party member education activities;Take the "Party history education" activity as an opportunity,Combine party building activities with practical work for teachers and students,Party members have been organized to clean up the campus, office and classroom environment,Help students with academic difficulties, Party members and comrades docking classes and other activities,Learn the history of the party, understand the ideology, do practical things, open a new bureau。

Based on the position to contribute, strive for excellence when the pioneer

A party member is a banner, showing the responsibility and responsibility of the Party organization and Communist Party members in front of the masses, practicing the oath to join the Party with practical actions, giving full play to the exemplary role of the vanguard of Communist Party members, and taking the initiative to shoulder the sacred mission of tackling difficulties in the development of the college。A number of advanced elements have emerged to build a vanguard of young Party members with high party spirit, good dedication and strong business skills.张平、Fan Lihua, student Party branch Hu Chunlei, Huang RubingBi JiajiaSuch as a group of party members in the forefront, in the professional construction, teaching and research, skills competition, training room construction, student management and other work actively dedication, outstanding achievements, establish a model vanguard role of party members。