The General Party Branch of the College of Art and Design: "Five learning and five creation" promotes the normalization and long-term development of Party history learning and education

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2022-05-11Number of views:170

 School of Art and Design Party branch不断巩固、拓展党史学习教育成果,积极探索党史学习教育常态化、长效化的制度和机制,把学习贯彻习近平总书记重要Speech spiritAnd Party history learning and education summarized the spirit of the conference, with the Sixth Plenary Session of the nineteenth Central Committee of the Party精神“七一”重要Speech spirit和习近平总书记关于党史的重要论述等贯通起来,系统学习领会、一体推进落实。General Party Branch立足Teaching, management, scientific research, social service, ITeachers and students do practical thingsSuch as the inherent requirements of the work, the development of a practical work program, a series of innovative learning and practice activities, formed"Five learning and five creation" Party history learning and education work system。

学习思想伟力,创建"Read Party history"

 The general Party branch of the college was established"Party history study education reading", and held reading research activities。 The operation mode of "Party history learning education Reading" is to carry out a reading discussion activity every month on the basis of self-study of party members, read the original, learn the original, understand the principle, systematically learn 4 required reading books, so that "activities have a position, reading has the main lecture, discussion has the theme, and service has the implementation".。"Read a book.The bibliography of the study is习近平《欧洲杯投注赔率》Communist Party of China简史》 General Party Branch负责人为大家讲读了习近平《欧洲杯投注赔率》的"Know history, love the Party, know history and love the country", "Chinese revolutionary history is the best nutrition", "old revolutionary base areas are the root of the Party and the people's army" and other main contents of the article。

Learn revolutionary spirit, create"Youth Federation Lecture Hall"

 To actively guide young students"Study the history of the Party, strong faith, and follow the party", so that the study of history is clear, the study of history increases credibility, the study of Shi Chongde, the study of history, and the practice of the party with a positive and spirited state of mindA hundred years of history and then write a chapter。The General Party Branch was created"Youth League Party History Lecture Hall", and held "FamousOnline lecture"Opening ceremony。The Party history lecture hall of the Youth Federation mainly adopts the way of "youth study, youth talk, youth letter" to carry out the Party history learning education propaganda activities。Teachers and students party members, student cadres and members of the student body federation actively participated in the preaching and learning。The "Youth League Lecture Hall" also held a Party history learning and sharing meeting,与会的同学分别就“学习党的历史、增强党性修养”“没有共产党就没有新中国”“习近平总书记讲过的党史故事”“延安精神”等做了宣讲,Wang Xin of Class 2022 also told the story of the heroic model emerging from the PLA。

Learn the situation policy, create"Idiom Listening" public account

 We will further strengthen online ideological and political work and promote the education of party members"Online and offline" integration, the General Party Branch created the "idiom listening" wechat public account。Through cyberspace, we will promote the deep integration of traditional advantages of Party members' education work with information technology, so that Party history learning and education can be integrated into daily life with the help of information technology。Through the ideological and political guidance of the Internet, the broad party members and the masses will unite under the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics。"Idiom Listening" public account发布文章的主要选题是:学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想相关文献;学习领会习近平总书记“七一”重要Speech spirit理论文章;学习贯彻党的路线方针政策、党的历史研究等有关文章。Various theoretical and policy articles have been published231篇。

Learn the purpose of the Party and create a long-term service mechanism

 Focus on learning history, practice, and actively carry out"Do practical things for the masses" series of activities, so that the Party history learning and education into the heart, see results。First, establish "I do practical Party member contact card for the masses" and establish "one-to-one" support actions for party members。The General Party Branch sorts out the situation of students who have "established a file and established a card", students who are psychologically confused and students who have difficulties in learning, establishes a file, arranges a party for specific guidance, and establishes a long-term mechanism of help and work record mechanism。The second is to carry out anti-network fraud publicity and security education activities。200 anti-fraud leaflets were printed and distributed to each dormitory, and each class held a themed class meeting. Counselors preached fraud warning cases with case statements, and asked each student to write their understanding and experience。Counselors and teachers in the class meeting, after-school time or in the QQ group to explain the expression of online fraud, fraud prevention methods and remedial measures。The third is to carry out "four walks, four services" activities for teachers and freshmen of 2021, that is, to walk into the classroom and serve learning;Into the dormitory, service life;Into the psychology, service growth;Into the teacher, service development。On the occasion of the new semester season, the General Party Branch also carried out the activity of "listening to 100 micro wishes and solving 100 small problems"。Fourth, we will carry out a series of activities on "Rural revitalization" to see China。Organized teachers, students and party members to Hu Lou Village, Jin 'an District, Lu 'an City to carry out "beautiful rural wall painting", environmental beautification and renovation design and the party's "rural revitalization" policy publicity, and was well received by local villagers。

Learn the glorious history, create a pioneer model team

 General Party Branch of the collegeTransform the vitality stimulated by the study and education of Party history into the driving force for promoting reform and development, and concentrate on planningThe 14th Five-Year Plan for development。In terms of specific implementation, first, a teacher-student symposium was held to solicit scientific suggestions on the development plan of the School of Art and Design。The second is to invite experts from enterprises and brothers and universities to carry out feasibility analysis on the goals, tasks and measures of the "14th Five-Year Plan", and strive to adapt the development goals to economic and social development。Third, the joint meeting of the Party and the government was held for deliberation and approval。Based on the integrated development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta, closely follow the pace of Anhui's "three places and one district" construction, closely combine with the trend of accelerating the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries toward high-end, intelligent and green, reform the personnel training program, optimize the professional structure, and develop emerging advantageous majors。The study and education of Party history has enhanced ideals and beliefs, inherited the spirit of the Chinese revolution, and stimulated the striving force of doing business。The General Party Branch also established five "vanguard of Party members", and assigned 20 party members to actively participate in the love and dedication activities。