The third Party Congress of Anhui Vocational and Technical College of the Communist Party of China was successfully concluded

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2023-02-24Number of views:1048

homenet(Party Committee Propaganda Department correspondent Ye Huiling Ma Zhengjing) Communist Party of ChinaAnhui Vocational and Technical CollegeThe sub-Party Congress successfully completed its agenda224A triumphant closing of the afternoon。

当天上午Anhui Vocational and Technical CollegeThe sub-party congress isStudent activity centerElection meeting and closing ceremony。Provincial Department of EducationGroup stem,The organization Department of Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine attended the meeting for guidanceElection meetingClosing ceremony byComrade Li Fangze主持。Delegates and non-voting participants of the Third Party Congress attended the meeting。

The election conference first voted to pass the "Methods for the Election of the Third Party Member Congress of the Communist Party of China Anhui Vocational and Technical College" andChief supervisor,The list of supervisors, announcedTotal tellers andThe tellers' list, passedCommunist Party of ChinaAnhui Vocational and Technical College thirdList of candidates for members of the Commission and the Commission for Discipline Inspection。

Under the supervision of the chief supervisor and the supervisor, the delegates vote by secret ballot,选举产生了Communist Party of ChinaAnhui Vocational and Technical CollegeCommittee and the Communist Party of ChinaAnhui Vocational and Technical CollegeThe Discipline Inspection Commission。9People elected to a new termMember of the Party Committee,7People were elected as new members of the Commission for Discipline Inspection。

The congress voted to pass the "Resolution of the Third Party Member Congress of the Communist Party of China Anhui Vocational and Technical College on the Work Report of the Party Committee" and the "Resolution of the Third Party Member Congress of the Communist Party of China Anhui Vocational and Technical College on the work report of the Discipline Commission".。

Li Fangze delivered the closing address to the conference。He said that since the opening of the Party Congress, under the strong leadership and friendly care of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Education and Work Committee, under the joint efforts of all representatives and staff, the agenda has been successfully completed。This conference is a banner, unity and forge ahead, pragmatic, pioneering and innovative conference, with this conference as a sign, the college's various career development opened a new page。

Li Fangze pointed out thatThe Work Report of the Committee of Anhui Vocational and Technical College of the Communist Party of China,坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20 National Congresses,The important achievements of various undertakings since the Second Party Congress of the College were comprehensively reviewed,Especially the major changes that have taken place in the college in the past two years,Clearly put forward the goal of building a high level vocational and technical university,A grand blueprint was drawn for the future development of the office。The "Work Report of the Discipline Inspection Committee of Anhui Vocational and Technical College of the Communist Party of China" passed by the conference fully affirmed the work of the previous Commission for Discipline Inspection, summarized the results achieved by the college in adhering to comprehensive strict Party governance and strengthening style construction, and laid a solid foundation for the college to further consolidate its efforts and achieve high-quality development。The Congress elected a new Party committee and discipline inspection commission, successfully realized the transition, and provided a strong guarantee for the development of the college's various undertakings。It is believed that the various arrangements and major achievements made by this conference will certainly make us more firm and courageous in the new journey of creating vocational education undergraduate。

Li Fangze stressed that the whole hospital should further unify its thoughts and actions, move forward courageously in step with the goals of the conference, and strive to turn the grand blueprint into a beautiful reality。First, we must uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership。To make unremitting efforts to study, all security personnel should study, publicize and implement the spirit of this Party Congress and study, publicize and implement the spirit of the Party's 20, and give full play to the collegeThe role of "big learning", "big publicity" and "big education" mechanism,Try to gather the wisdom of the whole school,Gather great power,We will ensure that the spirit of the Party Congress is effectively implemented at the grassroots level.We must speak clearly about politics,All Party members and cadres should continuously enhance their political judgment, political understanding and political execution,Effectively integrate individual development plans with the goals and requirements set by the General Assembly,Unify the thoughts and actions of individuals to the decision-making arrangements of the Party committee,To ensure that all the undertakings of the College continue to advance successfully in the correct political direction;It is necessary to unswervingly speak of unity, and take unity and struggle as the most prominent spiritual symbol and the most shining publicity card of security personnel, and work together to create a better tomorrow for the Security Institute。Second, we must adhere to innovation and strive to promote the high-quality development of vocational education。To clarify the orientation of vocational education, fromShift from "level" to "type",Take the initiative to grasp the development trend of vocational education,Vigorously promote reform and innovation,Resolutely win the battle of the establishment of vocational education undergraduate;We will deepen the integration of industry and education,Promote the transformation and upgrading of the college,We will resolutely break the barriers between enterprises and schools,Break the boundary between classroom and factory,To realize the precise matching and effective docking of talent training and enterprise needs;We should strengthen the construction of connotation,The system supports high-quality development,Focus on "Ten Emerging Industries",Promote the college's "professional cluster" construction and the regional economy's "industrial cluster" seamless connection,Let vocational education become an education with "a head of learning, hope and ambition"。三是Must spare no effort加强Work style construction, careful implementationHold fast to”,All departments and secondary colleges should haveNever relaxTo find the gap between the standard and the table, promote the integration of production and education, and achieve leapfrog forwardFocus on methods to catch”,By strengthening the style of construction, improve the quality of work, for the development of the career难点、堵点、痛点Grasp the key, gather wisdom, and solve the dilemmaIt takes a long time to catch”,Look for real problems, conscientiously promote implementation, and encourageThe more difficult, the more forwardThe fighting spirit, the temperA thousand times and a thousand timesThe perseverance, forgingThe success must have meThe responsibility of。

李方泽最后号召,全院各级党组织和广大党员要在新一届党委的领导下,更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,以党的二十大精神为指引,Deep learning贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神和治国理政新理念新思想新战略,认真落实省委、省委教育工委Provincial Department of Education的决策部署,以求真务实的精神,锐意进取的姿态,敢闯敢拼的魄力,奋力谱写高水平职业技术大学建设新篇章!

The congress ended triumphantly with the magnificent singing of the Internationale。