Measures for the administration of the Committee of Anhui Vocational and Technical College on the situation report, philosophy and social science report, seminar, lecture, collective speech, forum, reading club and academic salon
Release time: 2018-12-07 Publisher: Administrator Number of visits: 4533

    Article 1 To further strengthen and standardize the management of situation reports, philosophy and social science reports, seminars, lectures, collective speeches, forums, etc,We will thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee on ideological work in colleges and universities since the 18th CPC National Congress,Firmly grasp the right direction of university development,A socialist university with Chinese characteristics will be successfully run,根据《欧洲杯投注赔率》(中发〔2016〕31号)、中共中央办公厅《欧洲杯投注赔率》(中办发〔2015〕52号)、教育部党组《欧洲杯投注赔率》(教党〔2016〕19号)、《中共安徽省委教育工委转发中共安徽省委意识形态工作领导小组办公室<关于贯彻落实李锦斌书记批示切实做好近期意识形态工作的通知》>》(皖教工委函〔2018〕32号)等文件精神,Combined with the actual situation of the college,Formulate these administrative measures。
     Article 2 These Measures are applicable to the situation report, philosophy and social science report, seminar, lecture, collective speech, forum, reading club, academic salon held in our school, and the situation report, philosophy and social science report, seminar, lecture, forum, reading club, academic salon, etc., which our school teachers and students are invited to do in other units。
     Article 3 Party and league organizations at all levels of the College, functional departments, secondary colleges, and student organizations organize situation reports, philosophy and social science reports, seminars, lectures, collective speeches, forums, reading clubs, academic salons and other activities,We must hold high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics,以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观、习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,Resolutely implement the Party's theory, line, principles and policies,We will thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress,Publicize scientific theories, spread advanced culture, shape a good mind, promote social integrity, and transmit positive energy,Effectively shoulder the responsibility and mission of flourishing and developing philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics。
     Article 4 There shall be no restricted areas for academic research and discipline in classroom teaching, and words and deeds that harm the interests of the Party and the state and are not conducive to the healthy growth of students shall be avoided。In accordance with the principle of territorial management and who is in charge of who is responsible, we will strengthen the guidance and management of situation reports, philosophy and social science reports, seminars, lectures, collective speeches, forums, reading clubs, and academic salons。The Party and league organizations at all levels of the college, all functional departments, all second-level colleges, and all student organizations must be approved and recorded in strict accordance with the procedures。
     (1) The hosting or undertaking of the above activities shall be subject to preliminary examination by the hosting or hosting department and the principal person in charge of the secondary college, and shall be submitted to the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the College for examination and record。
     (2) The Party and league organizations and student organizations at all levels of the college shall host or undertake the above activities, which shall be preliminarily reviewed by the departments in charge and the main persons in charge of the secondary colleges, and submitted to the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the College for examination and record。
     (3) Inviting foreign nationals and foreign relevant persons to give lectures or participate in the above academic activities shall be approved by the Foreign Affairs Office and submitted to the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the College for examination and record。
     Article 5 Hold situation reports, philosophy and social science reports, seminars, lectures, collective speeches, forums, reading clubs, academic salons, etc., and implement the system of "one report for one meeting" and "one report for one event"。The organizer should carefully fill in the "Anhui Vocational and Technical College Situation Report, philosophy and Social Science report, seminar, lecture, collective speech, forum, reading club, academic salon Approval Form", truthfully fill in the presenter's name, unit, political status, position, title, research field and main lecture content。Go through the examination and approval procedures in accordance with Article 4。The above activities should be submitted to the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the College for approval and record more than 3 working days in advance。
     Article 6 To invite foreign or overseas personnel to the university to give lectures, lectures and participate in philosophical and social science conferences and seminars, etc., the provisions of the Implementing Rules of the Ministry of Education on the Administrative Measures for Holding International Conferences in China (Trial Implementation) must be strictly implemented。The organizer must first understand and check the ideological and political tendencies and the content of the report of the foreign or overseas personnel to be invited. If it is found that there are problems of ideological and political tendencies or the content of the report has political errors, it will not be approved。
     Article 7 The sponsoring and hosting departments shall strengthen the organization and management of the situation reports, philosophy and social science reports, seminars, lectures, collective speeches, forums, reading clubs, academic salons, etc。
     (A) Before the event, it should be clear that the special person is responsible for making relevant preparations, so that the responsibility is clear and the responsibility is to the person。
     (2) If the scale of the activity is large, the security Department of the college should be coordinated to do a good job of security。
     (3) The hosting and hosting departments shall invite the news media to report upon the consent of the Publicity Department of the Party Committee of the College, and grasp the correct direction of public opinion。
     (4) Before the event, if it is found that the presenter, lecturer or participant has wrong ideological and political tendencies or wrong political views, it cannot be held。The hosting and hosting departments shall terminate the activity in time and report it to the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the College in time。
     (5) In the course of the event, if it is found that the reporter or the participant has wrong ideological and political tendencies and wrong views, the moderator, the person in charge of the hosting and hosting departments shall refute and stop in time;If the circumstances are serious, the activity should be stopped immediately, the adverse effects should be eliminated, and the propaganda Department of the college Party Committee should be reported in time。
     (6) After the end of the event, the hosting and hosting departments shall timely summarize and file the information。
     Article 8 The situation report meeting, philosophy and social science report meeting, seminar, lecture, collective speech, forum, reading club, academic salon and other activities organized by the superior organization shall be reported to the Propaganda department of the Party Committee of the college for the record。
     Article 9 Teachers and students of our university are invited to make situation reports, philosophy and social science reports, lectures and collective speeches outside the school and other units,Participating in philosophical and social science seminars, forums, collective lectures, reading clubs, and academic salons,It is necessary to obtain the consent of the principal person in charge of the department or the superior leadership and put forward clear requirements for political discipline。
     Article 10 Where violations of the above provisions have caused adverse social impact, the responsible person shall be investigated for responsibility according to the relevant provisions。
     Article 11 These Measures shall come into force as of the date of promulgation。

                    March 30, 2018


Annex 1 Approval form for presentations, seminars, lectures, forums, academic salons, etc .doc

Annex 2 Feedback form of lectures, presentations, seminars, speeches, etc.doc

Annex 3 Form for approval and filing of off-campus lectures by faculty and staff.docx


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