The 39th and 40th training courses for active applicants of the School of Arts and Creativity were held

Publisher: AdministratorRelease time: 2023-05-13Number of views:139

 为深入开展学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想主题教育,进一步贯彻落实The 20th National Congress of the CPC精神和习近平总书记重要指示批示精神,5月12日中午, School of Arts and Creativity NoThe opening ceremony of the 39th and 40th training courses for active Party members was held in Room 203, Mingli Building。Yang Zhe, deputy secretary of the General Party Branch of the College of Arts and Creativity, Zhang Xu, organizer, Ma Weining, Secretary of the Student Party Branch, Deng Rui, publicity councilor, Jia Jia, counselor representative and 67 students of the current Party school attended the opening ceremony, and Ma Weining presided over the opening ceremony

会议伊始All riseSing the national anthem of the People's Republic of China。随后,贾佳宣读Party class training during the rules and regulations, Deng Rui readNotes for training courses for Party activists。最后,Yang Zhe made a mobilization speech, and he first congratulated the participants in the training of party activists, andPut forward three requirements and hopes: first, to improve the ideological understanding, fully understand the importance of training。The Party Constitution clearly stipulates that party members must be strictly punishedEntrance gate。This training course is mainly to let everyone systematically accept the Party's theoretical knowledge education through training, further correct the motivation to join the Party, and improve theoretical literacy。The second is to correct the learning attitude, always insist on learning and thinking贯通Knowledge and belief统一。作为Active members of the Party should further grasp the fundamentals of the party理论Knowledge, improve the understanding of the Party, strengthen the tempering of the party spirit, and constantly enrich themselves, improve themselves and perfect themselves through systematic learning。Third, we should set an example.ideologicallyIn action积极Play an exemplary and leading role。

会议After the end, Yang ZheFor the classThe theme is...学习The 20th National Congress of the CPC精神- The central task of the CPC in the new era and new stageThe first party class,From the connotation of Chinese modernization, characteristics and development goals of three dimensions to start a vivid explanation。杨哲表示Young people are the new force for promoting Chinese-style modernization and achieving the second Centenary Goal.As a young college student in the new eraUnswervingly listen to the Party, follow the party, embrace the dream, down to earth, dare to think and dare to do good, and aspire to be a good young person in the new era who has ideals, dares to take on responsibilities, can endure hardships and is willing to struggle;To learn professional theoretical knowledgeEnhance professional and technical skillsIntegrate the pursuit of personal ideals into the cause of the Party and the country, and make positive contributions to the solid promotion of Chinese-style modernization青春力量
    Good to join the party"First lesson", the department of thought "first button", the party class students said that they will take this training class as a new starting point to further consolidate the learning results, firm political direction, in study and life with party members' standards strictly require themselves, from the ideological and action to actively draw closer to the party organization, and strive to become a glorious as soon as possible中国communist。(Ma Weining, College of Arts and Creativity)