League school work

The Modern Fashion Institute held the 41st and 42nd training courses for Party activists

Release time: 2024-05-0792Source: Administrator

   为深入学习习近平总书记关于党纪学习教育的重要讲话和重要指示精神,进一步加强党员发展对象的教育培养,引领广大青年学生“永远跟党走、奋进新征程”,5月7日中午The 41st and 42nd training courses for Party activists of Modern Fashion Institute began典礼Meeting room on the third floor of the main buildingFormally hold。General Party branch secretary Pan RuichunAnd the general branch committee,Members of the student Party branch and all students participateopen-dutyopen-dutyPresided over by Yao Caixia, Secretary of the Student Party Branch。

会上,Jiang Wei, member of the student Party Branch OrganizationRead out the notes of the training course for active party membersAnd disciplinary requirementsStudents are required to consciously abide by the discipline of the training course, actively participate in the activities of the training course, obey the unified arrangement, and ensure the smooth completion of the course。服工2321班学生Wang Rui spoke as a representative of the students.reviewed自己From the ignorance of the party organization to the step by step坚定Close to the party organization心路历程,表示Will be in the study, work and life strict requirements of their own, play a vanguard role, strive to be ideal, dare to take on, can bear hardships, willing to struggle good young people in the new era

Pan Ruichun asked all students:一Have a deep understanding of participationTraining course学习的重意义Second, we should insist on learning in a comprehensive and systematic way.Three essential pointsComprehensive graspThis training学习任务Want contentAnd the essence。

It is reported that the participants in this training course are27Name, among the teacher trainees2名。This training session is today开始It ends on May 31In addition to theoretical teaching, group discussion is also adopted.Extracurricular self-study, social practiceWaiting to learn方式Training course willStrict training and assessment management,积极Educate and guide the active members of the PartyDemonstration and radiation driving role。(Zhao Mengyue, Modern Fashion Institute)

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