The Water Drop Volunteer Service team of Modern Business College went to the Xiangjiang Community Committee to carry out volunteer service activities

Published by: Modern Business CollegeRelease time: 2024-06-24Number of views:16

  In celebration ofOn the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, Modern Business College joins hands with the Xiangjiang CommunityOn June 23, a unique "Party History Propaganda Activity" was successfully held.。With the theme of "Reviewing the glorious history and inheriting the red gene", this activity attracted many community residents to participate and jointly review the brilliant achievements of the Party over the past century。

  在In the "Red Story Sharing" section, the volunteers of the "Water Drop" volunteer service team of Modern Business College told the touching stories of many revolutionary martyrs and hero models in vivid language。From the South, Chen, North and Li to the spirit of the Red Boat, each story is a vivid party lesson, so that the children on the scene deeply feel the ideals, beliefs and noble sentiments of the revolutionary predecessors。The climax of the activity is the elaborately designed "Intangible Bamboo Painting by hand".。The children deepened their understanding of the history of the Party in the game, and the atmosphere was warm and laughter followed one after another。

  This activity not only enriched the cultural life of the community residents, but also a profound ideological education and spiritual baptism。The person in charge of the activities in the Xiangjiang community said that this activity is an image and vivid party history education class, and I hope that we can continue to strengthen cooperation in the future, carry out more diversified and rich activities, and establish the brand of school-community co-construction activities。(Text: Tang Wenjun Photo: Tang Wenjun Pre-trial: Ding Runqing Audit: Xu Xingwang