General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council issued Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Modern Vocational Education

Publisher: Vocational Education GroupRelease time: 2021-10-12Number of views:132

     Recently, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and The General Office of the State Council issued the Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Modern Vocational Education, and issued a notice requiring all regions and departments to conscientiously implement it in light of the actual situation。

     The main contents of the Opinions on Promoting the high-quality Development of Modern Vocational Education are as follows。

    Vocational education is an important part of the national education system and human resources development, shouldering the important responsibility of training diversified talents, inheriting technical skills, and promoting employment and entrepreneurship。In the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, vocational education has a broad future and promising prospects。In order to implement the spirit of the National Vocational Education Conference and promote the high-quality development of modern vocational education, the following opinions are put forward。

I. General requirements

      (1) Guiding ideology。Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the 19th CPC National Congress and the second, third, fourth, and Fifth Central Congresses of the 19th CPC National Congress,Uphold the leadership of the Party,Adhere to the correct direction of running schools,Persist in virtue and cultivate people,Optimized type location,We will deepen reform of the way we educate people, the mode of running schools, the management system, and the security mechanism,Effectively enhance the adaptability of vocational education,We will accelerate the establishment of a modern vocational education system,Building a skill-based society,Promote the artisan spirit,We will train more high-quality technical and skilled personnel, skilled craftsmen, and artisans from major countries,To provide strong talent and skills support for comprehensively building a modern socialist country。

      (2) Job requirements。Adhere to moral cultivation, moral skills and cultivation,Promote the integration of ideological and political education and technical skills training;Adhere to the integration of industry and education and cooperation between schools and enterprises,Promote the formation of a development pattern of positive interaction between production and education and the complementary advantages of schools and enterprises;We will continue to be market-oriented and promote employment,Promote the college layout, professional Settings, personnel training and market demand;Adhere to practice and strengthen capacity,Let more young people realize the value of life with their skills;Education is geared to everyone and tailored to their aptitude,Create a good environment for everyone to work hard, everyone can be successful, and everyone can show their talents。

      (3) Main objectives。By 2025, the type of vocational education will be more distinctive, the modern vocational education system will be basically completed, and the construction of a skills-based society will be fully promoted。The pattern of running schools has been improved, the conditions for running schools have been greatly improved, the enrollment of vocational undergraduate education is no less than 10% of the enrollment of higher vocational education, and the attractiveness and quality of vocational education have been significantly improved。By 2035, the overall level of vocational education will rank among the highest in the world, and a skills-based society will be basically completed。The social status of skilled personnel has been greatly improved, the supply of vocational education has highly matched the needs of economic and social development, and the role of vocational education in comprehensively building a modern socialist country has significantly increased。

Second, strengthen the characteristics of vocational education types

      (4) Consolidating the type orientation of vocational education。We will promote the coordinated development of vocational education and general education in accordance with local conditions。We will accelerate the establishment of the "vocational education college entrance examination" system, improve the "cultural quality + vocational skills" examination and enrollment methods, strengthen provincial coordination, and ensure fairness and justice。Strengthen the theoretical research of vocational education, and summarize the rules and institutional models of vocational education with Chinese characteristics in a timely manner。

      5. Promoting vertical integration of vocational education at different levels。We will vigorously improve the quality of secondary vocational education,Optimized layout structure,We will implement a project to meet the requirements of secondary vocational colleges,Adopt measures such as merger, cooperation, trusteeship and group school running,We will develop a number of excellent secondary vocational colleges and high-quality majors,Focus on providing higher vocational education with a solid technical skills foundation and qualified cultural foundation of students。We will support qualified secondary vocational colleges in establishing community colleges on a trial basis in accordance with the needs of local economic and social development。We will improve the quality and quality of higher vocational education, implement the "double-high Plan", and focus on building a number of high-level higher vocational colleges and majors。We will steadily develop vocational undergraduate education, build vocational undergraduate colleges and majors with high standards, and keep the direction of vocational education unchanged, the training model unchanged, and the development of its characteristics unchanged。The vocational education personnel training system should be designed in an integrated way to promote the connection between the professional setting, training objectives, curriculum system and training programs of vocational education at all levels, and to support the implementation of long-term education in professional fields with long training cycles and high skill requirements。We will encourage application-oriented undergraduate colleges to carry out vocational undergraduate education。In accordance with the principle of roughly matching majors, we will guide application-oriented undergraduate colleges and vocational undergraduate colleges to attract more middle and higher vocational graduates。

      6. Promoting horizontal integration of different types of education。Strengthen the integration of general education and vocational education in all school sections, implement vocational enlightenment education in ordinary primary and secondary schools, and cultivate the awareness of mastering skills, hobbies and career planning。We will explore the development of comprehensive high schools with special skills。We will promote the mutual selection and credit recognition of courses between secondary vocational colleges and regular high schools, and between higher vocational colleges and application-oriented universities。We will encourage vocational colleges to carry out subsidized training and market-oriented social training。We will formulate a national qualification framework, establish a national credit bank for vocational education, realize the certification, accumulation and conversion of various learning outcomes, and accelerate the construction of an education system that serves lifelong learning for all。

Third, improve the system of integrating production and education in running schools

      7. Improving the supply structure of vocational education。Around the national major strategy,We will closely align with the trend of industrial upgrading and technological change,Priority will be given to developing a number of emerging specialties needed by advanced manufacturing, new energy, new materials, modern agriculture, modern information technology, biotechnology, artificial intelligence and other industries,We will accelerate the development of a number of specialties that are in short supply, such as preschool, nursing, health care and home economics,We will transform and upgrade a number of traditional specialties, including iron and steel metallurgy, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, construction engineering, and textile manufacturing,We will remove and eliminate majors with excessive supply, low employment rate and disappearing jobs,Colleges are encouraged to open more majors that are in short supply and meet market demand,Form a professional system that closely connects the industrial chain and innovation chain。Optimize the allocation of regional resources, promote the ministry and province to jointly build a high ground for the innovation and development of vocational education, and continue to deepen the cooperation between the east and west of vocational education。We launched local trials to develop a skills-based vocational education system。We will support rural-oriented vocational education, strengthen cooperation between schools and localities, combine education and training, accelerate the training of personnel for rural revitalization, and encourage more farmers and migrant workers who have returned to their hometowns to receive vocational education。Support industry enterprises to carry out technical skills training, the implementation of lifelong vocational skills training system and on-the-job continuing education system。

      8. Improving the diversified education system。We will build a diversified school-running pattern featuring overall management by the government, active organization by industrial enterprises, and deep participation by social forces。We will improve systems for evaluating state-owned assets, transferring property rights, distributing rights and interests, and managing officials and personnel。Encourage listed companies and industry leading enterprises to hold vocational education, and encourage all types of enterprises to participate in vocational education according to law。Vocational colleges are encouraged to cooperate with social capital to build vocational education infrastructure and training bases, and to build and share public training bases。

      9. Deepen the integration of industry and education in a coordinated manner。Governments at all levels should coordinate the scale, structure and level of vocational education and human resources development, and incorporate the integration of industry and education into their economic and social development plans。With the city as the node, the industry as the fulcrum, and the enterprise as the focus, we will build a number of pilot cities for the integration of industry and education, create a number of benchmarking industries leading the integration of industry and education, and cultivate a number of industry-leading enterprises with integration of industry and education。Actively cultivate a market-oriented, supply-demand matching, accurate service, standardized operation of the integration of industry and education service organizations。To compile and publish reports on the dynamic adjustment of industrial structure, the employment situation of industrial talents and the forecast of demand。

Fourth, innovate the school-enterprise cooperation mechanism

      (10) Enriching the forms of vocational colleges。Vocational colleges should actively carry out bilateral and multilateral technical cooperation with high-quality enterprises, build technology innovation platforms, specialized technology transfer institutions, university science and technology parks, science and technology business incubators, and mass innovation Spaces to serve local small, medium and micro enterprises in technology upgrading and product research and development。Promote vocational colleges to set up practice and training bases in enterprises, and enterprises to build training bases in vocational colleges。Promote university-enterprise co-management of industrial colleges and enterprise colleges, and extend the space for vocational colleges。

      (11) Expand the form and content of school-enterprise cooperation。Vocational colleges should actively attract industry leading enterprises to deeply participate in professional planning, curriculum setting, textbook development, teaching design and teaching implementation of vocational education, and cooperate to build new majors, develop new courses and carry out order training。Encourage industry leading enterprises to lead the establishment of national, industry-oriented vocational education groups, and promote substantive operation。We will explore the apprenticeship system with Chinese characteristics and vigorously train technical skills。We will support enterprises in accepting students for practical training, and guide enterprises to set up apprenticeship positions in proportion to the total number of positions。It is strictly prohibited to charge internship and training fees to students in violation of regulations。

      (12) Improving the policy environment for school-enterprise cooperation。Local governments should promote enterprises to participate in school-enterprise cooperation and cultivate technical talents as an important part of the formulation of industrial development plans, industrial incentive policies and rural revitalization plans, give "finance + finance + land + credit" combined incentives to enterprises integrating industry and education, and implement relevant tax and fee policies in accordance with regulations。Industry and information technology departments should take the situation of enterprises' participation in school-enterprise cooperation as an important reference for the selection of various demonstration enterprises。The departments of education, human resources and social security should take the effect of school-enterprise cooperation as an important content to evaluate the quality of vocational colleges。State-owned assets supervision and administration institutions shall support enterprises to participate in and hold vocational education。Financial institutions are encouraged to provide relevant credit and financing support for school-enterprise cooperation in accordance with laws and regulations。Actively explore ways for vocational college interns to participate in work-related injury insurance。We will accelerate the development of vocational college students' internship and training liability insurance and personal accident injury insurance, and encourage insurance companies to set special rates for modern apprenticeship and new apprenticeship insurance for enterprises。The income earned by vocational colleges through school-enterprise cooperation, technical services, social training, self-run enterprises, etc., can be used as the source of performance pay according to a certain proportion。

5. Deepening education and teaching reform

     (13) Strengthening the construction of double-qualified teachers。Strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and style, and comprehensively improve teachers' quality。We will improve the certification system for vocational education teachers, and strengthen professional teaching and practice requirements in the national teacher qualification examination。We will formulate standards for teachers with dual qualifications, and improve standards for teacher recruitment, evaluation and appointment of professional and technical positions, and performance appraisal。Professional teachers shall be allocated according to the ratio and structure of students and teachers in vocational colleges。We will strengthen the construction of vocational and technical teachers' colleges。Support high-level colleges and large and medium-sized enterprises to build dual-teacher training bases, implement the regulation that teachers regularly practice in enterprises, support enterprise technical backbone to teach in colleges, and promote the reform of the construction of a teacher team that combines fixed and mobile posts and employs part-time teachers from schools and enterprises。We will continue to implement the plan to improve the quality of teachers in vocational schools。

     (14) Innovative teaching models and methods。We will improve the quality and effectiveness of ideological and political theory courses, and promote the inclusion of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in textbooks, classrooms, and minds。Hold a teaching ability competition for teachers of ideological and political education courses in vocational colleges。Project teaching, situational teaching and modular teaching should be widely carried out to promote the deep integration of modern information technology with education and teaching, and improve the quality of classroom teaching。We will fully implement flexible learning and credit system management, and support students to actively participate in social practice, innovation and entrepreneurship, and competitions。We will organize a national skills competition for vocational schools。

     (15) Improving teaching content and teaching materials。Improve the comprehensive education mechanism of "Post course Competition Certificate", design and develop courses according to the actual production and post needs, develop a modular and systematic practical training course system, and improve students' practical ability。We will thoroughly implement the vocational skills certification system, improve certification management methods, and strengthen in-process and post-event oversight。Update the teaching standards in a timely manner, and incorporate new technologies, new processes, new norms and typical production cases into the teaching content in a timely manner。Integrate the advanced standards embodied in the vocational skill level certificate into the talent training program。Strengthen the state's power over the construction of teaching materials, make hierarchical planning, and improve the mechanism of compilation, review, selection, use, update, evaluation and supervision of vocational education teaching materials。We will guide local governments, industries and colleges to develop textbooks with local characteristics, textbooks applicable to industries and textbooks for school-based specialties in accordance with regulations。

      (16) Improving the quality assurance system。We will establish and improve national vocational education standards for teachers, curricula, teaching materials, teaching, practice training, information technology, and safety, encourage local governments to adopt local standards with higher requirements in light of actual conditions, and support industry organizations and leading enterprises to participate in the formulation of standards。Promote the construction of vocational college teaching diagnosis and improvement system。We will improve the methods for supervision and evaluation of vocational education, strengthen supervision over local governments' performance of their duties in vocational education, and assess the ability of secondary vocational colleges to run schools and the ability of higher vocational colleges to meet social needs。Improve the national, provincial and college quality annual report system, regularly organize the review of quality annual reports, improve the level of preparation, and increase publicity。Strengthen the application of evaluation results as an important reference for approving the establishment of colleges, verifying enrollment plans and arranging major projects。

6. Build a vocational education brand with Chinese characteristics

      17. Raising the level of Chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools。We will successfully run a number of demonstration Chinese-foreign cooperative schools and programs。Strengthen cooperation with international high-level vocational education institutions and organizations, and carry out academic research, standard development, and personnel exchanges。Set up vocational education categories in the "Study in China" program and the Chinese government scholarship program。

      18. Expanding platforms for cooperation and exchange between China and other countries。We will fully implement the WorldSkills 2025 strategy and strengthen cooperation with UNESCO and other international and regional organizations。We will encourage open universities to build overseas study centers, promote the construction of foreign-related industry organizations in vocational education, and implement overseas training programs for vocational college teachers' teaching innovation teams, high-skilled leading talents, and talents in short supply in industries。We will actively host international vocational education conferences and successfully implement the China-Asean Education Exchange Week, so as to form a number of brands for education exchange, skills exchange and people-to-people exchange。

      19. Promoting vocational education to go global。Explore the international development model of "Chinese + vocational skills"。Serve international production capacity cooperation, and promote vocational colleges to follow Chinese enterprises to go global。Improve the construction standard of "Luban Workshop" and expand the connotation of running a school。We will increase the proportion of vocational education in programs such as study abroad funds。Actively build a number of high-level international vocational colleges, and launch a number of internationally influential professional standards, curriculum standards, teaching resources。All localities should incorporate vocational education into their foreign cooperation plans as an important part of the construction of sister cities (provinces and states)。

7. Organization and implementation

      20. Strengthening organizational leadership。Party committees and governments at all levels should put the promotion of high-quality development of modern vocational education in a more prominent position, and better support and help the development of vocational education。The joint meeting of the vocational education work departments should give full play to its role, and the education administrative departments should conscientiously carry out the responsibilities of overall planning, comprehensive coordination and macro-management of vocational education work。The state includes vocational education work in the supervision and evaluation of provincial governments in performing their educational duties, and provinces include vocational education work in the assessment of local economic and social development。Select and strengthen the main person in charge of the vocational college, and build a team of high-quality professional vocational education cadres。Implement the autonomy of vocational colleges in internal organization, post setting, employment plan, teacher recruitment, title evaluation and appointment。Strengthen the party building work of vocational colleges, implement the ideological work responsibility system, carry out the Party organization demonstration and quality improvement work of the new era vocational colleges, and implement the Party leadership into the whole process of running schools and governing schools, moral education and cultivating people。

      21. Strengthening institutional guarantees。We accelerated the revision of the Vocational Education Law, and local governments formulated and revised relevant local regulations in light of actual conditions。We will improve the system of raising funds for vocational education primarily through government input and through multiple channels。We will improve the spending structure, and give more emphasis to vocational education。It is strictly prohibited to offset the average student appropriation with tuition fees and social service income, and explore the establishment of a differentiated per-student appropriation system for vocational education based on major categories。

      22. Improving the development environment。Strengthen positive publicity, dig and publicize the typical stories of grassroots and front-line technical and skilled personnel growing into talents, carry forward the glory of labor, precious skills, and create a great trend of The Times。Open up vocational college graduates in employment, settlement, participation in recruitment, professional title evaluation, promotion and other aspects of the channel, and ordinary college graduates enjoy the same treatment。Units and individuals who have made achievements in vocational education and technical and skilled personnel who have made outstanding contributions in the field of vocational education shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State。Local governments will include qualified high-level technical and skilled personnel in the high-level talent program, explore mechanisms for training and selecting cadres from outstanding industrial workers and agricultural and rural talents, increase salary incentives for technical and skilled personnel, and improve their social status。