General Office of the CPC Central Committee and General Office of the State Council issued Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Modern Vocational Education System Construction

Publisher: Vocational Education GroupRelease time: 2023-05-10Number of views:10


 I. General requirements

 1.Guiding ideology。Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,We will thoroughly implement the guiding principles of the Party's 20 National Congresses,Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over vocational education,To promote the high-quality development of modern vocational education placed in a more prominent position,Adhere to the comprehensive development of students and economic and social development,It is based on improving the key competence of vocational schools,Focus on deepening the integration of industry and education,Promoting job integration is the key,Take the integration of science and education as the new direction,Give full play to the initiative of all parties,We will coordinate the collaborative innovation of vocational education, higher education and continuing education,Promote orderly and effective reform of the modern vocational education system,We will improve the quality, adaptability and attractiveness of vocational education,We will train more high-quality technical and skilled personnel, skilled craftsmen, and artisans from major countries,It will lay a solid foundation for accelerating the building of a powerful country in education, science and technology, and human resources。

 2.Direction of reform。We will deepen supply-side structural reform of vocational education,Adhere to people-oriented, ability, quality, adhere to innovation,Establish and improve a gradient vocational education and training system featuring multi-form connectivity, multi-channel growth and sustainable development,Promote coordinated development and mutual integration,To enable students with different endowments and needs to choose multiple times and diversify their talents;Insist on promoting production by teaching, teaching assistant by production, integration of production and teaching, and cooperation between production and learning,Extend the education chain, service industry chain, support supply chain, build talent chain, and enhance the value chain,We will promote the formation of a modern vocational education structure and regional layout that meet market demand and match the industrial structure。We will build central-local interaction and regional linkage,The development mechanism of government, industry, enterprise and school is coordinated,We will encourage and support provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central government) and key industries to combine their own characteristics and advantages,In the construction and reform of the modern vocational education system, we should try first, break through first, and demonstrate and lead,We will form a sound ecology featuring adequate institutional supply, strong conditions, and deep integration of industry and education。

 Second, strategic tasks

 3.Explore a new model for the construction of modern vocational education system in provinces。We will comprehensively promote rural revitalization through in-depth implementation of coordinated regional development strategies and major regional strategies,State-led promotion, local innovation and implementation,Select provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) that have urgent needs, basic conditions and willingness to explore reform,We will establish a mechanism for coordinating the construction of a modern vocational education system,Breakthroughs have been made in key capacity building, integration of industry and education, integration of jobs, investment mechanisms, institutional innovation, and international exchanges and cooperation in vocational schools,Formulate specific measures to support vocational education financial, fiscal, land, credit, employment and income distribution incentive policies,To form an institutional environment and ecology conducive to the development of vocational education,Form a batch of new experience and new paradigm that can be replicated and promoted。

 4.Create a city-wide industry and education consortium。On the basis of industrial parks, provincial governments will build city-wide industry-education complexes with the functions of talent training, innovation and entrepreneurship, and promoting high-quality development of industrial economy。Establish a council with the participation of government, enterprises, schools, scientific research institutions and other parties,Implement materialized operation,Gather capital, technology, talents, policies and other elements,Effectively promote the in-depth participation of various subjects in the professional planning of vocational schools, the determination of personnel training specifications, curriculum development, and the construction of teachers,Jointly discuss training programs, set up teaching teams, and build teaching resources,Jointly implement academic assessment and evaluation,Promote teaching reform,Improve the quality of technical talent training;Build a talent supply and demand information platform,Implement industrial planning and talent demand release system,We will guide vocational schools to keep up with the market and employment situation,We will improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of vocational education majors,Promote the close connection between professional layout and local industrial structure;Build a common technical service platform,Open up the chain of scientific research and development, technological innovation, and achievement transfer,Provide technical consultation and service for enterprises in the park,We will promote technological innovation and product upgrading among small and medium-sized enterprises。

 5.Build an integrated community of industry, industry and education。Priority is given to key industries and areas such as the new generation of information technology industry, high-end CNC machine tools and robots, high-end instruments, aerospace equipment, shipbuilding and Marine engineering equipment, advanced rail transit equipment, energy electronics, energy-saving and new energy vehicles, electric power equipment, agricultural machinery equipment, new materials, biomedicine and high-performance medical equipment,We will support leading enterprises and high-level institutions of higher learning and vocational schools in taking the lead,A cross-regional community of integrated production and education involving schools, scientific research institutions, and upstream and downstream enterprises will be established,Gather production and education resources,Formulate teaching evaluation standards,Develop professional core curriculum and practical ability project,Developing and popularizing teaching equipment;According to the industrial chain division of labor on the type of talent, level, structure requirements,Joint enrollment by schools and enterprises will be implemented,Carry out commissioned training, order training and apprenticeship training,Carry out pre-job training, on-the-job training and continuing education for employees of industrial enterprises,To provide stable human resources for the industry;Building a technology innovation center,Support the training of high-quality technical and technical personnel,Service industry enterprise technological transformation, process improvement, product upgrading。

 3. Key work

 6.We will improve the key school-running capabilities of vocational schools。Priority is given to organizing well-known experts, industry elites and outstanding teachers in professional fields such as modern manufacturing, modern service, and modern agriculture to create a group of core courses, high-quality teaching materials, teacher teams, and practical projects to introduce new methods, new technologies, new processes, and new standards into education and teaching practice in a timely manner。Expand and strengthen the national vocational education smart education platform, build key projects such as vocational education professional teaching resource database, high-quality online open courses, virtual simulation training bases, expand the sharing of high-quality resources, and promote the reform of education, teaching and evaluation methods。Facing new forms of business, new occupations and new positions, extensive technical skills training will be carried out to serve the lifelong learning of the whole people and the construction of a skill-based society。

 7.Strengthen the construction of "double-qualified" teachers。We will strengthen the construction of teachers' ethics and style, and effectively improve teachers' ideological and political quality and professional ethics。Relying on leading enterprises and high-level colleges and universities to build a number of national vocational education "double-qualified" teacher training bases, develop vocational education teacher training curriculum system, and carry out customized and personalized training。We will carry out a campaign to upgrade the qualifications of teachers in vocational schools, and carry out targeted training for graduate students with professional degrees for teachers in vocational schools。Implement the training plan for famous teachers (masters) and principals in vocational schools。Set up a flexible employment mechanism,The method of combining fixed post with mobile post is adopted,Support vocational schools to openly recruit business backbones, outstanding technical and management talents in the industry;Set up a number of special posts for industrial tutors,In accordance with the regulations to employ enterprise engineering and technical personnel, highly skilled personnel, management personnel, skilled craftsmen and so on,Take part-time teaching, cooperative research, participate in projects and other ways to work in the school。

 8.We will build an open regional practice center for integrating industry and education。Benchmark the forefront of industrial development, and build an open regional practice center integrating production and education integrating practical teaching, social training, real production and technical service functions。Government-led, multi-channel financing method,A number of new public practice centers;Through government purchase of services, financial support, etc,We will encourage enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, and industrial parks to improve their ability to integrate production practices and resources,Support a number of enterprise practice centers;Schools and enterprises are encouraged to build a number of practice centers in the form of "schools in factories" and "factories in schools",Service vocational school students practice training,Enterprise staff training, product pilot, process improvement, technology research and development。Government investment maintains the nature of public welfare, and enterprises built in accordance with regulations enjoy educational land, public utility fees and other concessions。

 9.Broaden the channels for students to grow and become talents。With secondary vocational schools as the basis, higher vocational colleges as the mainstay and vocational colleges as the guide, we will develop a number of high-level vocational schools and specialties that meet the needs of economic and social development and the training of technical and skilled personnel.We will explore the development of comprehensive high schools and support the reform and development of technical schools。We will support quality secondary vocational schools and higher vocational schools in jointly running schools for five years, and develop secondary vocational education and vocational undergraduate education。We will improve the vocational education college entrance examination system, improve the "cultural quality + vocational skills" examination and enrollment methods, and expand the enrollment of application-oriented undergraduate schools in the vocational education college entrance examination, and the enrollment plan will be coordinated by all localities in the annual enrollment scale approved by the state。We will improve the method for undergraduate schools to recruit vocational school graduates with work experience。Based on the characteristics of students in vocational schools, we will improve the examination methods and training methods for higher secondary education, support high-level undergraduate schools to participate in the reform of vocational education, and promote the inclusive and coordinated development of vocational education。

 10.We will make innovations in international exchange and cooperation mechanisms。We will continue to run well the World Conference on the Development of Vocational and Technical Education and the World Vocational College Skills Competition, and promote the establishment of the World Alliance for the development of vocational and Technical education。Based on regional advantages, development strategies, pillar industries and talent needs, we will build an international cooperation platform for vocational education。We will build a number of high-level international vocational schools, introduce a number of internationally influential professional standards and curriculum standards, and develop a number of teaching resources and teaching equipment。Build an international brand of vocational education,We will promote specialized and modular development,Improve standards and norms and innovate operation and maintenance mechanisms;Promote the "Chinese + Vocational Skills" project,To serve international production capacity cooperation and Chinese enterprises going global,To cultivate international talents and local technical skills urgently needed by Chinese enterprises,Enhance the international influence of China's vocational education。

 4. Organization and implementation

 11.Strengthen the overall leadership of the Party。Adhere to the Party's leadership in all aspects of the whole process of the construction and reform of the modern vocational education system, fully implement the Party's educational policy, adhere to the socialist direction of running schools, and implement the fundamental task of fostering morality and cultivating people。Party committees and governments at all levels should incorporate the development of vocational education into the regional national economic and social development planning, and promote the overall deployment and implementation of employment and entrepreneurship and promote the transformation of development mode, industrial structure adjustment, technology optimization and upgrading, and as an important part of assessing the performance of education duties by governments at the next level。Party organizations in vocational schools should take party building as the basic skill of running schools, implement the principal responsibility system under the leadership of party organizations in public vocational schools, and enhance the political and organizational functions of party organizations in private vocational schools。深入推进习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想进教材、进课堂、进学生头脑,Firmly grasp the leadership of the school's ideological work,Ideological and political work throughout the whole process of school education management,We will vigorously cultivate and practice core socialist values,Improve the education mechanism of combining German skills and study with work,Strive to train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor。

 12.Establish an organization and coordination mechanism。We will improve the system of inter-ministerial joint conferences on vocational education under The State Council, establish consulting organizations that gather well-known experts, scholars and managers in the fields of education, science and technology, industry, economy and society, and undertake work such as policy consultation, standard development and project demonstration for vocational education。The Ministry of Education took the lead in establishing an overall coordination and promotion mechanism, and worked with relevant departments to promote the active participation of industry enterprises。Provincial party committees and governments have formulated the "three lists" of talent demand, industrial development and policy support, and improved the implementation mechanism。We will support local authorities in establishing vocational education and training management institutions, integrate relevant functions, and coordinate the reform and development of vocational education。

 13.Strengthen policy support。We will explore new mechanisms for local governments and social forces to support the development of vocational education, attract investment from social capital and industrial funds, and support major construction and reform projects in vocational education in accordance with the principle of public welfare。Qualified vocational education projects will be included in the scope of support for local government special bonds and budget investment。Financial institutions are encouraged to provide financial services to support the development of vocational education。We will explore ways to establish a differentiated per-student funding system for vocational education based on major categories。Local governments may provide appropriate subsidies to non-profit private vocational schools with reference to the relevant funding standards and supporting policies such as the per student expenditure of public schools of the same level and of the same kind。We will improve measures for subsiditing students in secondary vocational schools, and establish a cost-sharing mechanism that meets the requirements for diversified development of secondary vocational schools。The employing unit shall not set conditions for application, recruitment and employment that impede equal employment and fair competition for graduates of vocational schools。We will support local governments in deepening reform of the income distribution system, and raise the wages and incomes of people with technical skills on the frontline of production and services。

 14.Create a good atmosphere。Summarize the typical experience of promoting the construction and reform of the modern vocational education system in a timely manner, do a good job in publicity and reporting, and create a good atmosphere for the whole society to fully understand, actively support, and actively participate in vocational education。Do a good job of vocational education activities week, use the "51" International Labor Day, Teachers' Day and other important holidays to increase the publicity of vocational education, dig and publicize the typical deeds of the growth of grass-roots technical skills talents。Establish a result-oriented evaluation direction, commend and reward outstanding vocational schools, principals, teachers, students and technical and skilled personnel in accordance with relevant state regulations, promote the glory of labor, precious skills, and create a great trend of The Times。