Notice on holding a special lecture on Promoting the reform of vocational education system construction

Publisher: Vocational Education GroupRelease time: 2024-07-06Number of views:10

Each member unit:

为认真贯彻习近平总书记关于职业教育的重要论述,We will steadily advance the reform of the vocational education system and accurately help local industries develop with high quality。The Group decided to carry out a special lecture on promoting the reform of the construction of the vocational education system, and hereby informs the relevant matters as follows:

I. Training theme

We will steadily advance the reform of the vocational education system and accurately help local industries develop with high quality

2. Training objects

Professional leaders of member institutions,Backbone teacher

3. Training time and place

Training time:202478Sunday morning8:30-11:30,下午1430-17:00

Training location: Lecture Hall on the third floor, Graphic Information Center, Anhui Vocational and Technical College

4. Contact information

Contact: Chen Zhao, Xie Fei

Contact us: 0551-64689895

V. Others

1.This training is organized by Anhui Vocational and Technical College. In principle, each member unit will have 2-3 participants and submit the list to jwcsxk@uta the day mailbox;

2.Participants are required in advance15Minutes to sign in, according to the division of the seat, keep the order of the venue, mobile phone to mute or turn off。